
Chinese Zodiac 猴hóu-- Quit Monkey around!!- Not if you can keep up!!

猴hóu :monkey (1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Simplified character: 猴

There was no 猴hóu character in the older days. This character was derived from the right part of the word, 候hòu. 候hòu means to wait. In the older days when people wanted to capture monkeys, they would place food on the ground with a trap set up for them. After monkeys learned about the trap, they would stay in the trees and waited until the hunters gave up and went away. Therefore the character候hòu was used for monkey. Later in order to specify the word for the animal, 犭quăn (犬quăn, means dog) was added to indicate the category of the character, as a type of animal, and猴hóu thus have been the character for monkey.

Monkey is perceived as a type of animal that possesses similar intelligence level as that of a human. Since the animal moves about among trees, it is also a representation of being swift in action. People who are born under the sign of the monkey also are believed to be smart and aggressive. They are polite and treat others with kindness, very easy going and never hesitate to render their assistance. For this, monkey people are generally appreciated by the elders. Also because they are not credit fighting, they are also welcomed and loved by their peers and fellow workers and friends.

However, since money also possess dormant violence tendency, monkey people while growing up will need to build up patience in order to contour the violence tendency to better use of energy.

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