
Chinese Zodiac 豬zhü (pig) -- The Oink, The Merrier


pig (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
Simplified character: 猪

Pig is a domestic animal, mostly for the purpose oral consumption. In the old days, due to the farm house environment, pig was perceived as dirty and lazy - hence deserved the fate of being consumed. However, the more recent studies showed that pigs actually prefer clean environment, like to walk around, and is mostly energetic - environment permits.

Also, a boar (wild pig) is nowhere near domestic. A boar has fangs and is likely much more dangerous than a tiger in the jungle. A herd of boars travel in pack, guiding by a leader that walks in front. The leader raises its tail to indicate its social ranking and to declare leadership.

Pig people are also very energetic, warm and easy to get along with. Once becoming a good friend, pig people would be a friend of a lifetime. They would take great care of their friends and families, with much generosity and love. Pig people have a passion for knowledge, mostly honest unless circumstances beyond their control, and have great endurance.

However, as the boar is considered dangerous, pig people also have their dark sides. They are individualists and temperament; they lack communication skill and are highly jealous. As the leader boar raises its tail to declare leadership, when pig people are leaders of groups, they also like to display and secure their leadership. They do no like to be challenged and thus tend to have a strong tendency to force their teammates (or subordinates as the pig people see them) to do as they command. Since a boar when irritates would attack whatever is on its way, so would a pig person that sets out for destruction when loose control. They would do whatever it takes until the targets are destroyed. Unfortunately, along with way, they may cause their own demise.

--Click here for more ab Chinese Zodiac : )

The source of the picture is from: http://marie0925.deviantart.com/art/pig-48989903

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